this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files are best listened to with the eyes closed !
the layout is done with the internet explorer text size setting at largest and with a zoom of 125%, and my text rendering is done for these settings though they should be somewhat tolerant
of a zoom setting or two up or down
sleeping in separate bedrooms is an easy and hugely significant improvement that couples can make to improve their mutual health since it improves sleep quality and reduces mutal shared breath and the concomitant viral exposure : o)
with today's viral holocast and continual infectious exposure i would really recommend it : o)
relationship quality presupposes health, declining health will nix relationship quality : o)
be sure to keep adequately warm in a separate bed tho : o)
i can tell you what the story is with dogen, but you just won't get it, it's the same with martin heidegger and jacques derrida, in their later years they started to understand the limits of prose for what they were trying to say and moved more directly into what was traditionally known as the mystical viewpoint of an eroded, but still, almost magically coherent self identity : o)
in dogen's case he moved closer to the position of basho, that is, where basho started, he was approaching and had he lived longer we might have known of him as a great poet that like basho we could have read and understood...............!
but those stupid zen shills just pass around poor translations (if it is possible to make the meangingless more meaningless !) of his writings as though they mean something, and only show their own vacancy and stupidity pretending the emperor has clothes when all that is displayed is diseased and scarred skin : o)
if you dig a ditch with an excavator (back hoe!) you are doing something that everyone understands and you are applauded for your constructive social role :o)
however with this writing
the identity of the one who understands is eroded............... so people get peculiar or avoid or react, sometimes surprisingly savagely...... the list could go on : o)
if you dig a ditch with an excavator (back hoe!) you are doing something that everyone understands and you are applauded for your constructive social role :o)
however with this writing the identity of the one who understands is eroded............... so people get peculiar or avoid or react, sometimes surprisingly savagely...... the list could go on : o)
if you are thinking about being careless or jumping into uncharted waters, the universe always has some lower destructive state wanting/waiting to swallow you up and consume you
that doesn't necessarily have to happen, you can get lucky or are a good helmsman,
but mostly it's more than fraught : 0 )
if you are thinking about being careless or jumping into uncharted waters, the universe always has some lower destructive state wanting/waiting to swallow you up and consume you
for those who seek aliens, there's nothing more strange than the differences between men and women : o) !
for those who seek aliens, there's nothing more strange than the differences between men and women
there is no such thing as a natural child, all children are strangers to their parents :o)
there is no such thing as a natural child, all children are strangers to their parents
adoptee comments should be understood against the back drop of there is no such thing as a natural child, all children are strangers to their parents
the way to approach things is to take them in little pieces and not abig jump
especially not two or three big jumps !
i know what works for me
which is minimal people and country living : 0 )
i know what works for me which is minimal people and country living : o)
i know what works for me which is minimal people and country living
lol, the childless give the best parenting advice : o)
it's having the time and inclination over many years to work things out
in considering potential mates
i really think you have to have a serious look at the parents
apples don't fall far from the tree
: 0 )
in considering potential mates
i really think you have to have a serious look at the parents
apples don't fall far from the tree !
i think the future is very unclear and it takes alot of discovery to work things out : o)
you need to be very wary of developing relationships with adoptees
the problem is you can't see the birth parents
what you could see in them may be very indicative of super major issues in their birth child
life is a tragedy but you don't want to make this sort of tragedy your own : o ( !
you can often see the child more clearly in the parents than in the child him/herself !
you need to be very wary dealing with some adopted children
the problem is you can't see the birth parents
if you could see them it would be very indicative of super major issues
life is a tragedy but you don't want to make this sort of tragedy your own : o ( !
you can often see the child more clearly in the parents than in the child him/herself !
well, the good die young
well i can be evil, you need both to survive !
well, the good die young
well i can be evil, you need both
foster, pin up boy for middle aged mentally retarded women
” :o)
jeff foster, pin up boy for middle aged mentally retarded
women “seekers” :o)
jeff foster, pin up boy for middle aged mentally retarded women
” :o)
jeff foster, pin up boy for middle aged mentally retarded women :o)
“ therefore it is most important that the tales which the young first hear should be models of virtuous thoughts
my re-translation
“ if the young can not imbibe the culturally assimilated nonsense : o) ”
zen teachers have completely ignored that competence is required, it's all just become a derivative game of
quoting pretend !
zen teachers have completely ignored that competence is required, it's all just become a game of pretend !
seen clearly, every day that occurs is as distressing as the day before and the day that follows : o) : o(
seen clearly, every day that occurs is as distressing as the day before and the day that follows
seen clearly, every day that occurs is as distressing as the day before and the day that follows : o) : o(
seen truely, every day that occurs is as distressing as the day before and the day that follows
seen truely, every day is as distressing as the day before and the day that follows
seen clearly, every day is as distressing as the day before and the next
seen truely, every day is as distressing as the day before and the next
seen truely, every day that occurs is as distressing as the day before and the next
titian at his best : o)
boubi, you adi da sleeze , damaged men screwing damaged women and claiming that is enlightenment
boubi, you adi da sleeze, damaged men screwing damaged women and claiming that is enlightenment
: o)
: o(
boubi, (ed. hard core zen blog)
you adi da sleeze, damaged men screwing damaged women and claiming that is enlightment
that silly male egoism and blind self regard, the few who escape that are so rare !
that silly male egoism and blind self regard, the few who escape that are so rare
that silly male egoism and blind self regard
comment :
she (ed. the poetess below) takes herself too seriously
i was reading this
poetess and there's something's missing, what is it? a lack of sense of humor about life's farce !
i was reading this poetess and there's something's missing, what is it? a lack of sense of humor about life's farce?
i was reading this poetess and there's something's missing, what is it a lack of sense of humor about lifes farce?
no doubt this will be read and listened to in future ages by people i wouldn't like
no doubt this will be read and listened to in future ages by people i wouldn't
like : o ) : o (
poetry, those endless young women screeching about love gone wrong or lost, you'd think they see a pattern wouldn't you ?
hello poetry, those endless young women screeching about love gone wrong or lost, you would think they see a pattern
what mysticism is about is really self taught and of necessity you take from a lot of different sources ! :o)
what mysticism is about is really self taught and
of necessity you take from a lot of different sources ! : 0 )
what mysticism is about is really self taught and of necessity you take from a lot of different sources
i think the catholic church is just a cover
for a glee club for gays :o)
i think the catholic church is just a cover for a glee club for gays :o)
some things you can't see clearly ahead, but can only evolve to, through trial and error,
well most things in fact !
some things you can't see clearly ahead, but can only evolve to, through trial and error, well most things in fact !
some things you can't see clearly ahead, but can only evolve to, through trial and error, well, most things in fact
some things you can't see your way clearly ahead, but can only evolve to, through trial and herror, well, most things in fact
some things you can't see your way clearly ahead, but can only evolve to, through trial and error
some things you can't see your way clearly ahead, but can only evolve to
it's really weird, we build up all these skills and competencies and then as we get older and the memory goes and the brain cacks out we lose it all
we are ripped part before we die ............................
what people want in life is well maintained illusions, they don't question the illusion, they only question the tawdry reality revealed when the illusion fails and want the original deception back : o)
humans are just some sort of flea on the face of reality
cursive is technologically obsolete except as a computer font, there is in fact a high cost to the child to teaching something beyond its developmental age !
kids still seem to be coming out of school thinking using facebook is the acme of computer skills .................
evan shaw writes
it's like chasing the horizon, you know you won't reach it........
my reply
the horizon can open up and eat you, leaving only the horizon................
evan shaw writes
every person is given a shifting crystal ball at birth. we turn it this way and that - amused here, puzzled there. the crystal itself never changes, just reveals its many sides. look at it, but put it aside and just be, for now.
joe laforsch replies
evan, as far as you've deciphered -- what is the meaning of our existance?
evan shaw replies
to unfold our innate potential, with patience
brad pringle replies
the meaning of life is to be happy.
my reply
the meaning of life is to shatter the crystal ball : o)
there is absolute knowledge and that you don't think so shows you have a long ways to go :o), maybe the next lifetime cause the way you are going it's certainly not this :o), but you are not listening, just following some pumped up idea about yourself...if
no one has absolute knowledge there's there's no point to this
there is absolute knowledge and that you don't think so shows you have a long ways to go :o), maybe the next lifetime cause the way you are going it's certainly not this :o), but you are not listening, just following some pumped up idea about yourself...if none one has absolute knowledge there's there's no point to this
there is absolute knowledge and that you don't think so shows you have a long ways to go :o), maybe the next lifetime cause the way you are going it's certainly not this :o), but you are not listening, just following some pumped up idea about yourself...if none one has absolute knowledge there's there's no point to this
john of the cross is one of the great mystics, just read his life, and his death..............dying of a severe staph infection of the skin on a bed grudgingly given in a small monastery of the order he had founded but been kicked out from with the abbott constantly complaining about the cost of keeping, feeding and paying for a doctor for him............
what passes for mysticism these days, some stupid suburban dream of know nothing halfwits with their comfy lives and suburban existance pontificating their idioacy
john of the cross is one of the great mystics, just read his life, and his death..............dying of a severe staph infection of the skin on a bed grudgingly given in a small monastery of the order he had founded but been kicked out from with the abbott constantly complaining about the cost of keeping, feeding and paying for a doctor for him............
what passes for mysticism these days, some stupid suburban dream of know nothing halfwits with their comfy lives and suburban existance pontificating their idioacy ALL OVER THE WEB
evan shaw, why not abandon this posture you have,
you are talented and don't need the fake support of a load of unseeing bullshit :o)
be yourself, let it come from you,
sure read around alot
but it's a process of twenty or thirty years to get clarity
and i can tell you the world
won't love you for it :o)
evan, why not abandon this posture you have, you are talented and don't need the fake support of a load of unseeing bullshit
:o) be yourself, let it come from you, sure read around alot but it's a process of twenty or thirty years to get
clarity and i can tell you the world won't love you for it :o)
neil, we are not all one ! dream on ! being less effective as a person is precisely what mysticism is about, true mystics lives are ALWAYS some sort of disaster area, it's their estrangement from success that is part of the brutal truth of reality :o)
there's seeing unity, you can believe it but not seeing directly is going to be full of mistakes and that is the billion fold fate of humans and the universe ! :o)
neil, there's seeing unity, you can believe it but not seeing directly is going to be full of mistakes and that is the billion fold fate of humans and the universe ! :o)
the world is just endless need
our lives are full of sadnesses and our own deaths......... !
i hope videos of pope benedict are kept around on the net for many years to come, his habiliments are superb, it's a real education as to how well dressed one can be :o)
leaves the average female for dead, but then they don't have the resources available to popes :o)
the amish, mennonites and hutterites appear to be fragmenting, the younger generation is too different to the old ways now
lol it's really hard physical work they do
they have left their genetic imprint, they breed like hell :o)
the net alone destroys them
they can't keep it out long term
the young are always in some state of reaction against the status quo ! : o)
one day at a time and try and get a few things working, i don't prejudge as much as i used too
it's odd how the contact on the web is all there if they want it, (ed. on a suicidal young man) but they don't go there
help is just the who_knows message board away
i mean go to agame site or go to who_knows
only a few seconds diff
i think games are really harmful
surprisingly destructive, too easy to fill one's time with compared to being real and doing useful work on the web
50 is when the first humans died, then the evolutionary advantage in having long lived grandmothers took it up to 75 and now of course we go up to 90-95
we kill each other in our different ways
i wonder if all women deep down are suicidal, cause they sure act like they are unstable to the question of living :o)
midsummer nights dream, much ado about nothing and the tempest were written by the same man
midsummer nights dream, much ado about nothing and the tempest were written by the same man
“ since Hallmark doesn't have cards
for sincere self
loathing ”
there's always a first time :o)
to myself
shit :o)
$4.50, envelope included !
quite agood
version of midsummers nights dream, you can actually understand it :o)
jesus they talk alot, but i guess that's the nature of plays, hard to convey the plot without words :o)
i think it's advantage is the actors don't overwhelm what the author (sir henry neville !) intended :o)
she's actually quite hard-bitten, you can see it in her facial expression occasionally !
kidney problems?
to be fair, if you ignore the nonsense she says it is quite sophorific ? maybe she has future selling audio to put you to sleep?
eileen comments
it's a sex tape
altho i haven't listened
to more than 5 secs of her softcore porn voice
my reply
yeah, disguises it with “guided meditation” and gets money from donations
lol, well a love poem to
you : your hair is grey, your brain is grey and your thoughts are grey, how dull :o)
ed. the vanity of aging women :o), the above comment caused her (yvonne garcia) to unsubscribe :o)
crap artists can't take the heat can they :o)
further reply to yvonne garcia :o)
you are just a dull stupid fart who has wasted her life garnering ignorance and thinks she knows it all !
typical of those who think they can teach !
your hair is grey, your brain is grey and your thoughts are grey, how dull :o)
your hair
your hair
your hair's
how dull
i think the
pics work well ! the tattoos would have been part of her health problems, too allergenic and heavy metals in the ink and possibly mercury in the red?
do you have a drinking and dope problem?